Keypoints of Google SMITH update
Does Google SMITH help to better understand large documents compared to BERT? Google SMITHÂ update works better than the BERTÂ algorithm on longer input documents. According to the conclusions reached in the research paper, the SMITH model performs better than many...
What is Google Fred Algorithm Update | How does it affect SEO?
Fred Algorithm update is not a single update, but a general term used by search engine optimization experts to refer to all unnamed Google updates. Google will rarely be open about when it will make such updates and reveal smaller details – and that’s for obvious...
What is Google Caffeine Update: How it works & its Importance on SEO
Google Caffeine Update: Its Importance & Effects on SEO Google Caffeine Update was announced on August 10, 2009. The update was so massive that Google provided months of what they called a "Developer Preview". And on 8 June 2010, it finally rolled out....
Google Hummingbird Update: Hummingbird Importance & Effects on SEO
Google Hummingbird Update It was designed as a completely new search algorithm that all Google searches are based on, ranking algorithms like Panda Update, and Penguin Update is definitely included, as well as EMD-Update or page layout algorithm updates. into the new...